Dhanvantari Ayurveda Center  Michael Dick, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Leesburg,


Glossary of Spiritually-Oriented Terms

Source: Dharmadeva © Copyright Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (Central), Tiljala, Calcutta, India


abhoga - mental pabulum

agama - that which cannot be seen or inferred but which has been heard from some authority

ajña cakra - (sixth chakra) - here the sadhaka and Paramatman are not two entities but one (the state of Sarsthi Samadhi)

aklishta vritti - that neither begets pain at the beginning nor at the end

aklishtaklishta vrtti - that which in the beginning is pleasing and in the end it is painful

anahata cakra (fourth chakra) - here the sadhaka feels that s/he is very close to Paramatman (the state of Sayujya Samadhi)

anumana - not seeing the original object but seeing something related to or associated with the original object

bhakti - devotion

carvaka - materialistic philosophy

ectoplasmic mind stuff - that which takes the shape of its object in the mind

ekagra - concentration (the mind becomes pointed and ideates on a particular object)

hatha yoga - when propensities and nerves are controlled or stop their functioning by forced physical energy

Ishta mantra - one's own mantra (mantra leading one to the Supreme Goal)

Jiva Shakti - unit consciousness

jivatman - unit soul

jñana sadhana - mental effort to feel the presence of God in all objects and that all objects are God

kaivalya - stage where the 'I' feeling is lost

Kaevalya Nirgunasthiti - the Non-qualified State

karma sadhana - work done more for others and less for oneself

klista vritti - that begets pain in following it from the beginning and the resultant is also painful

klistaklista vritti - that which while moving there is pain but when the destination is reached there is no pain

ksipta - restlessness (the mind is very perturbed, worried and anxious but then tends to only one object)

Kula Kundalini - coiled serpentine spiritual ideation

manipura cakra - (third chakra) - here the sadhaka has a feeling that Paramatman is near (the state of Samipya Samadhi)

moksa - spiritual salvation

mukhya vritti - the 5 predominant vrittis (pramana, vikalpa, viparyaya, nidra, smriti)

muladhara cakra - (lowest chakra) - here the Kundalini is in the crudest stage

murha - infatuation (where there is attachment to or fear from some object and the object repeatedly and easily creeps into mind)

nidra - sleep which brings vacuity in the mind

nirodha - withdrawal of mind from objectivities, propensities or vibrations and to direct it to the objectless

Parama Purusa - Cosmic Consciousness

Paramatman - Supreme Soul

pramana - proof through perception (pratyaksa, anumana, agama)

pratyaksa - that which is perceived directly with the eyes

sadhaka - spiritual aspirant

Shiva Shakti - Cosmic Consciousness

siddhis - occult powers

smriti - memory (when inferential vibrations come to the nerves)

svadhisthana cakra - (second chakra) - here the sadhaka feels that s/he and  Paramatman are in the same world, still distanced yet known (the state of  Salokya Samadhi)

vikalpa - variability in cognition

viksipta - distraction (the mind is wandering and not concentrating on a particular point and finally becomes tired)

viparyaya - defective cognition

vishuddha cakra (fifth cakra) - here there is oneness of the sadhaka with Paramatman and the sadhaka feels that the Supreme Entity is his or her goal (the state of Sarupya Samadhi)

vritti - propensity of mind

yoga - union (unification of jivatman with Paramatman)



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